Teeth Cleaning & Exams

Routine teeth cleanings and exams allow us to not only clean your teeth, but also spot small problems before they evolve into bigger ones.

At Fleming Family Dental & Aesthetics, we recommend scheduling an exam and cleaning twice a year. Rather than rushing you through your appointment as fast as possible, we take the time to get to know you personally. We listen to your goals, address any concerns you may have about your oral health, and offer insightful advice to improve your smile.

If any issues are identified during the routine exam, a customized treatment plan is created. Finally, every cleaning is ended with at home dental care education, as well as a new toothbrush and floss.

Signs that it’s time for a dental checkup

  • You are experience toothaches or pain in the mouth or jar
  • Extremely sensitive teeth
  • Bleeding gums and bleeding after brushing
  • Sores in the mouth
  • Last dentist visit was more than 6 months ago
  • Extreme and chronic bad breath
  • Loose, chipped, or broken teeth or dental implants

Benefits of routine cleanings and exams

  • Help you maintain a fresh and clean smile
  • Prevent cavities and tooth decay
  • Brighten the appearance of teeth
  • Identify early symptoms of gum disease
  • Reduce frequent bad breath
  • Potentially avoid more expensive treatments and procedures
  • Help prevent more serious medical problems that develop from neglected oral health

Schedule Your Visit With Us Today!

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